Approaching the end of this year, I am going to write this blog entry to summarize some of my favorite Jp drama(ドラマ) background music and OST in this year 2014.
Those songs are definitely classic and worth attentions(+my quick trans)!!
------------------------------------------------------------- 《失恋ショコラティエ》 (Heartbroken Chocolatier)
The theme song"bittersweet" by 嵐(Arashi)
夢の中で君と笑えるなら ありのままを
伝えたくて 分からなくて ただ君だけを見つめてた (If I can laugh with you in a dream, just like that way, want to reach you, cannot understand, I am only looking at you
離れた場所からでも届くから 今どこかで
幸せを運ぶ 甘く切ない君の歌 Even from far away it can still arrive, now from somewhere spreading happiness, your song is sweet and heart-moving
巡り会えた奇跡がほら この胸を叩いた
生まれてく世界は ためらいもなく ただ君で染まってゆく You see our meet is a miracle, patting my chest A new world from it, is unwaveringly dyed by your colour
恋は甘くて苦い 溶けてくような 忘れられない香りばかり
叶わないけど愛おしい 僕を強くさせる Love is sweet yet bitter, feels like melting with a scent that not to be forgotten
won't be fulfilled but it is lovely
making me strong
知りたい 消えない思い出なら あの日のまま包み込んで
君を強く抱き締めたら 溶けてゆくほど優しく want to get to know this unfading memory like that day it is wrapped in that way If I can hold you tight, this tenderness is going to melt us two
君にもしも出逢わなければ まるで違う世界が見えていたんだ If you and me haven't met each other maybe we would fall into a complete different worlds
確かなことがあれば 君がいるから ここに僕はいるよ
誰よりも 君を... What I am sure about one thing is that, because your are with me, I am now here More than anybody else, to you....)
------------------------------------------------------------- 《ビター・ブラッド》 (Bitter blood)
The theme song by Mayday(A boys-band from Taiwan). " Do You Ever Shine? "
Do you ever shine Do you ever shine to live or die If you run away from the fiction You will still be trapped in the cage Do you ever shine Do you ever shine to live or die Do you get lost in the trouble You will see the bright sunlight Do you ever shine?
------------------------------------------------------------- 《アリスの棘》 (Alice's Thorn)
The theme song by 高橋優(Mr. Takahashi Yuu) "太陽と花(The sun and flowers)"
笑っていたらいいな 幸せに包まれ
頼るあてもないまま 戦っているのかな (If only can laugh it out, wrapped in happiness without a support, you have been fighting til now 太陽は自らを焼いて光る 陽を浴びた草木は花咲かせる
その眩しさは誰も見つめられぬほど The sun shines by burning itself, bathed in the sunshine there are blossoms That brightness is like nobody can look into
孤独な輝き 淋しい輝き
語られることもなくただ愛し続けてる The single shine, The lonely shine Without a one can talk to, it still glows on to love 命の瞬き 誰もが一人
それぞれの空見上げて 今も繋がっていると信じながら In blinks of life we are all alone look up to the sky, and we believe we are tightly connected together)
------------------------------------------------------------- 《Border》 This is just a background music for the drama, not a song. But I liked it a lot and got a great impression by that during the climax of the drama.
------------------------------------------------------------- 《弱くても勝てます》 (Can Win Even If Weak) (弱くても勝てます~青志先生とへっぽこ高校球児の野望~ )
The theme song"GUTS!" by 嵐(Arashi)
目まぐるしく回る 迷い掻き分けて
確かな正解なんて 見つかるはずもなくて
It is getting dizzy, falling into another self
What is the real answer, it is not a sure thing to figure it out
夢を見ることも 容易くはないさ
耳を澄ましてみれば 心がざわめいていた
Pursuing your dream, not quite easy
but just when I get closer to hear
my heart is pumping loud
光の無い 荒野をひとり いざ行け
Without a light, here is I coming to that place of wilderness
握り締めた手の中には 君の言葉
雨に打たれ 風に吹かれ 僕らは叫ぶ
Holding tight in my hands is your words
hit by rains blown by strong we start to cry out
**VIVA 青春 胸を張れ いつでも変えられるさ
VIVA Youth! Heads up high You can always give it a change
イチニのサンで さあ前を向け
1 2 and 3 let us move forward
what is knowledge indeed we can blow it away
VIVA 青春 立ち上がれ 君はひとりじゃないさ
VIVA Youth! Stand up high You are not aloneOnly for our revolution
The parade between "Dreams"and "hopes"
Enjoy and take it under controls**
真実はいつだって ひとつだけじゃ終わらない
Even the answer is wrong , just when you have that courage
You cannot call it a wrap when only one truth is revealed
風を受けて 飛び立つ君に 幸あれ
Leave by the wind, you are having the time in your life
人は誰も弱いものさ 泣いてるんだよ
People may cry when finding themselves weaker than others
雨は上がり 幕も上がり 僕らは誓う
The rain stops, and the curtain is pulled up, we swear
VIVA 青春 咲き誇れ 全てを変えられるさ
VIVA Youth! Make a blossom every thing can be changed
イチニのサンで さあ走り出せ やりたいように突き進め
1 2 and 3 let us run. Going forward with this push
VIVA 青春 声上げろ まだまだ諦めるな
VIVA Youth! Volume upWe cannot give up
明日のためのエール 心でぎゅっと抱き締めて
No matter how small the hopes are
For the cheer we are going to hear tomorrow
hold your heart tight!
嵐の中 闘う友よ いざ行け
In the hurricane, friends wth us fighting tgt, let's go
握り締めた手の中には 君の言葉
Holding tight in my hands is your words
雨に打たれ 風に吹かれ 僕らは向かう
hit by rains blown by strong we keep looking forward
------------------------------------------------------------- 《昼顔〜平日午後3時の恋人たち〜》 (Hirugao~ lovers after 3pm)
c/o song "Never Again feat.青木カレン" composed by 菅野佑悟
Drowning away from the start to the end
And you’re sailing away and nowhere else to strain
Come and take my all away
So far away from the start to the end
And everything seems so veiled and blue
Run away, sail away
You’re the one to have and love and shame
Will you be mine
Come and take
We will be far away
Never again I’ll find someone else kiss me goodbye to the end
Worst I’m alone to despair end up in crazy for the love to insane
Never again I’ll love someone else
Please be mine till the end
This is our last night I’m fallin’ in love
Your lips, your soul, your eyes, your arms, your hairs, your heart
Our love, our mind
------------------------------------------------------------- 《ディア・シスター(Dear Sister)》 OP song "Happiness" composed by シェネル(Che'Nelle)
The happy things, the things with regrets, I want to tell you the most bu I always tried in vain My happy moments, my regretful moments, keep searching and forgiving I cannot figure it out Do you feel the same? When you're sad in the dark, I know it soon. I'm not gonna give up tonight, I am not good at expressing myself, But I will stay by your side. Always I'm always gonna be with you want to protect in this world the most treasure you are important to me I like you too much maybe that makes me cannot say it well you are here, that is great enough, Cos always, you are my happiness ------------------------------------------------------------- 《ごめんね青春!》 (Sorry my youth!)
Theme song "言ったじゃないか" by 関ジャニ∞(A boys band including the leading male character Mr. Nishikido Ryo)
誰とも付き合わないって 言ったじゃないか
勉強が恋人って 言ったじゃないか
チャラいヤツは無理って 言ったじゃないか
見た目で判断しないって 言ったじゃないか
親が厳しいって 言ったじゃないか
門限あるって 言ったじゃないか
友達からって 言ったじゃないか
夜9時までって 言ったじゃないか
(ららららライアー)僕はどうしようもなく 君が好き
その日はダメって 言ったじゃないか
塾があるって 言ったじゃないか
遊園地に行くなんて 言ってないじゃないか
友達だって 言ったじゃないか
(ららららライアー) 懺悔したほうがいいよ
(ららららライアー) 僕は許さない
携帯持ってないって 言ったじゃないか
お婆ちゃんが病気だって 言ったじゃないか
ハムスターが死んだって 言ったじゃないか
でも行けたら行くって 言ったじゃないか
(ららららライアー) お祓いした方がいいよ
(ららららライアー) 僕は君から離れない
言ったら ぶっ飛ばす~~~~~!!
好きって 好きって 好きって 言うたやんか
好きって 好きって 好きって 言うたやんか
------------------------------------------------------------- 《First Class 2》
Theme song "BRIGHTER DAY by 安室奈美恵(Ms Amuro Namie)
作曲:Erik Lidbom・Ylva Dimberg
You're a dreamer
時には 驚くほど無邪気で
You're a dreamer Your pureness sometimes surprise me
You are stronger
そう君が 思うよりもずっとずっと
変わらない Smile 諦めない
You are stronger
Yes you are much much unchanged than I thought
Smile. Without giving up.
だからこそ I'm proud of you
No matter when, that is just why I'm proud of you
But everyday's a winding road
手に出来ずに 立ち止まるけど
But everyday's a winding road
Than going well in your mind,
everything just stops and you cannot make them work
Smart sensor measures and controls the indoor air quality
Healthy air protect alert warns you when to replace filter
3-step light indicators clearly show air quality level
3-step fan speed lets you to adjust air flow to your liking
With a advanced filtration system eliminates harmful agents in three stages: In stage 1, the antibacterial pre-filter catches big particles like human hair. In stage 2, the activated carbon filter effectively removes odors and harmful gases. In stage 3, the HEPA filter with its antibacterial coating filters out fine dust and eliminates germs and mould.
I didn't know a word about the product spec...
and this is the first air purifier coming to my home.
Very user-friendly and ready to use,
just unwrapped the packing of the filters and put it back and off you go. But the filters inside are a concern, need to be replaced from time to time, one active carbon filter I just check the price is costing around 200HKD. Bup.
the colour indicator went red-lighted at the moment I turned it on,
(indicating the air quality was bad....? But I did have a hotpot party last night,, the smell didn't go away)
and then the light turned into purple in 5 minutes,