Singing Karaoke in Japan has always been my dream....
and I did it this night,
(^/////////////////////^)first night in Nagoya.
Only 1 hour time-slot is available,
around 2000 yen for two people.
Pretty hurry
but we did have fun....
there are so many songs we're familiar with.ヾ(○´▽`○)ノ
Let's play a game....
♪♪guess what songs are they
just base on the screen lyrics?
"屍踏み越えて"(step over the dead bodies....)
Ans: (紅蓮の弓矢)<Attack on Titan>
The first line of this song is the German quote of this blog site!!
"嘘にない世界など どこにもない時代でも"
(Like a world without lies, in an era of nowhere.....)
Ans: Breathless by 嵐
Arashi's company protects its artists too well,
cannot find a sounded video of the group....
The film cooperating this song(Platinum Data) is also super nice to watch!
"ビビビ! ONLY YOU! 運命ってヤツ?!"
(this is not one of the songs I have chosen....
I don't even know it. Sor)
"いろんな間違いもありました いろんな出来事学びました"
(different kinds of mistakes I have made,
different kind of things(ought to been learned) I have learned)
Ans: Ivy by Ayumi Hamasaki
(this song is in between 8:30-9:41)
This is one of the songs in the album, not very popular but I super love this song lyrics. Like an old man reflects and whispers at the end of his life journey...very thoughts inspiring.
"夢を見るその難しさわかっている 新たな道は"
(How hard could perusing the dreams be, I always know.
The new way...)
Ans: 旅立ちのとき(The time of Journey) by AKB48
(Being lost in your way?
Just around few moment ago I started concerning)
Ans: Do me more by Namie Amuro
抱きしめられなくても その胸に光ともしたい"
Even when we fall apart,
even when we cannot hug each other,
I want to light a spark in your chest
Ans: TSUKI by Namie Amuro
For god's sake I even wrote a blog for this great song and lyrics....
One hour was just not enough.....