2015年1月26日 星期一

New leap in a phase III studies of Dysport in lower limb spasticity

Although I am not a member in the medical team....
Aesthetic and medical both rule!!! (☆_☆)

BRIEF-Ipsen announces positive Dysport phase III study results

Mon Jan 26, 2015 1:44am EST


Jan 26 (Reuters) - Ipsen SA :

* Ipsen announces topline results of two double-blind phase III studies of Dysport in lower limb spasticity in children and in adults

* PLL phase III study of Dysport shows statistically significant response versus placebo in improvement of muscle tone

* PLL phase III study of Dysport shows as well statistically significant overall benefit versus placebo, as measured by physician global assessment

* Comprehensive results from double-blind studies on Dysport to be disclosed in next few months at major international congresses

* Study proves Dysport demonstrates high benefit in adults with stroke or traumatic brain injury causing lower limb spasticity - Principal Investigator of all study Source text for Eikon: Further company coverage: (Gdynia Newsroom)
