2014年9月30日 星期二

歌詞Lyrics:《Democracy will prevail》

Composed by:Anthony@VIIV 
Lyrics by:Barry@VIIV(Cantonese original)
Sang by: VIIWBAND (Verse 1a) 

White horse waves with tears,
black eyes looks into sad history,
sunset with redden lining, justice is left behind the stars,
who’s laughing, the long night goes on with sins.

The determined gaze, with the indictment for bloody loss
using the sharpest pan to accuse,
even looks like a Mantis raising its arm,
standing still in front of tanks,
to my country, I am willing to hold on.

Light penetrates the sky, sunset urges to settle,
sound from the wind, 
let’s hear and think about how to plow the waves,
to be bright or dark, my belief is as clear as it was along,
cold or warm, I set my up my mind; my blood and swear flew

The stubborn government,
rules with an iron fist and own desires,
has prepared their fiercest weapons.
you used to kill in the long nights,
to slaughter like a butcher,
and forget how hot the hell's fire could be for you

*Democracy will prevail
Democracy will prevail
our hair turns white and thoughts go deeper
if Love could stay as long as fossils
a piece of moss won’t last any longer
may cover the sky for a moment, can’t cover the era

**Democracy will prevail
Democracy will prevail
waves will follow to take up the change
if Love keeps on flowing in this world,
even I am put behind bars,
my freedom, will last as long as the universe

The determined gaze, with the indictment for bloody loss
using the sharpest pan to accuse,
I would wave the flag and voice for peace
my fingertips would then be the herald
sea-waves and flowers, would guide me through the way

Repeat * **

I am born with freedom

(Absolutely non-official lyrics)

#Occupy Central(with Love & Peace)

Started from the 28 September, the government has cracked down hard on a pro-democracy campaign by riot police using tear gas and powerful pepper spray, the "Occupy Central" with Love & Peace was then officially initiated after a long night.

Tens of thousands more people have been joining the pro-democracy protesters in different main areas in Hong Kong, this war is deemed to be drawn-out long, and to this extent is to be ahead of what the organizers hoped for. It will probably be the largest day of protests since 2003 '7.1' protest march, with half a million of people joined at that time.

Hong Kong is now facing a change, this time we're desperated to urge for genius democracy and universal suffrage. Sometimes I think I understood what I'm doing will be in vain. I knew this fact...not many things could really stop a leading country with collection of credit noteof trillion dollars from the rest of the world. But at least I would be relieved that I had tried. It is so ironic, we are Hongkongers, and this is our history; once we had tasted the freedom, there seems to be no point in turning back. 

How would we bring down the curtain for this campaign? 
Sincerely finger-crossed for it would be in a peaceful way.

2014年9月23日 星期二

歌詞Lyrics:Perfume《FAKE IT》+ Japanese corner

Time for some Japanese learning...~
My N2 test is coming soon at December,
how dare me is online reading irrelevant Japanese lyrics.

.......Translation is just fun.

There is once a tale that various languages are indeed from the God's challenge....for making human's thoughts separated from each other. I am an atheist as George Carlin or Richard Dawkins (#btw, they are too great as humans) but I also see language differences on Earth as a whole barrier for sharing our ideas. Fortunately we are the same as homo sapiens, if one in the species wants to communicate, there are always ways to. For example, basic English, body language, gesture, calculator(?), and smile :))))... do help a lot in travel at foreign countries too.

Slangs are quite common in Japanese, 
I think it is because they the Japanese people are greatly influenced by comic books"まんが(漫画)". This is no children interest, but just the whole society's interest. Some slang "words" are actually invented from Japanese comics, which I find it challenging if I want to explain their meanings in other languages. 

For instance(quick-pick),

萌え(=もえ)(mo e): 
It means "sprout" from the word laterally, also refer to when you see something really cute or adorable , this is the verb your heart pumping it so hard and you are 萌える now.

ツンデレ(Tsu n de re):
This is a mix of Japanese symbolism."ツンツン" is the phase describing someone is very arrogant and cool, and "デレデレ" is for someone acting cutely and sweet. The two words united means a guy being very cool to the strangers, after becoming friends or knowing more about you, can also act like a spoiled child and be cute...but himself are keen to not admit it.

やおい(ya o i)
(No hill, no climb, no meaning)
Refer to something boring at the first time; but later this adjective evolve to mean some plot-less and wishy-washy comics, or Boy's Love comics directly.  

And for the song"FAKE IT" from Perfume(A Japanese electronic pop girls group consists of 3 ladies), the atmosphere is completely ツンデレ, with no other words can better describe:)), so catchy and full of motivation I usually hear on a morning. Such a teenager-song....like having a secret crush on somebody and not letting him know. This should be a old- school thing.

The lyrics! (PV)

ことなんて絶対に今は言わないわ Fake it!

(words) like "I like you the most in the world" 
(words) like "I don't need anyone but you"
(words) like "I live my life only for you"

words like those I absolutely could not say it right now 

Fake it!

最高になりたくって 一番になりたくって
ねえもっと気にとめて キミの興味ひきたくって
Wanting to be the top
Wanting to be the Number 1
Hey notice it more
Wanting to arouse your interest

なのにまた強がって ちょっぴりのムリもして
残念な結果だって 落ち込んでる暇はないよ
But again I would stay strong
Maybe a little try it in vain
even when it is a sadden ending,
I have no time for feeling down

^(じゃましないで) タイミング見計らって
(私を見て) 思い切って距離を詰めて
(勇気出して) 言葉に出さなくっちゃ
(この気持ちを) 今しかない でも
Don't disturb) To manipulate the timing
Look at me) Take one step to short our distance
Bring out the courage) Must put it into words
about this emotion)Only right now, but


大人気キミにとって 特別になりたくって
もっと一緒にいて 今夜はねえふたりきりで
To such a popular you, I want to be special
stay with me longer
Tonight hey let us just be together

repeat^, *

Cute song~

I am not an alcoholic, but the girly grammar of "~的な"(like ~sth), sounds like tequila in English.....

Happy 10 anniversary Perfume!! Another performance live: (Perfume 3rd. Tour JPN in HIROSHIMA JAPAN)

2014年9月22日 星期一

一句影評:《白雪公主殺人事件》 The Snow White Murder Case



原作:湊佳苗(湊かなえ)(Kanae Minato) 


導演:中村義洋(Yoshihiro Nakamura)

編劇:林民夫(Tamio Hayashi)






2014年9月21日 星期日

My 10 seconds in Kuala Lumpur WS

After the workshop on Dubai....
When it comes to Asia, it came to Kuala Lumpur!!

I have been to this one :)))))
20-21 September 2014, 
saved the day for Dysport.


#Dysport Regional Aesthetic Workshop 

Had so much to learn but I am tired right now....
may add more content til I got back to normal pace.

Previously DRAW in Dubai from a famous US delegate, 
From Dr. Kassir's IG:(early September-2014/9/3)

2014年9月15日 星期一

Ayu's best 10 PVs- 10.《Song 4 u》

Song 4 u, 2013.

Youtube version(Official, 1.5 minutes):

Finally the last song out of the my best 10 Ayu's PVs:)
(personally reviewed at the moment after she debuted for 15 years ), I voted "Song 4 u" as a curtain call for this collection in my blog.
                                            ヾ( ̄∇ ̄)

This song was one picked up from her album 《LOVE again》,
which concluded different kinds of emotion to celebrate her 15 years anniversary. The whole album, introduced by Ayu "was a letter expressing gratitude to her beloved ones". 

Various meaningful songs were found in this disc too, but not every one has a PV accompanied, so I picked a representative one, a special positive art piece. By the way, it was also the theme song for the Playstation3 adventure game "テイルズオブエクシリア 2"(Tales of Xillia 2), feel yourself burnt with excitement?

。.(。´・ω・。)ノ゛ .。:

The main theme of the song PV is to be keen on your choice, even the bright and the dark side of you are facing off each other. In the PV it summarizes as angels vs devils on the chessboard. The simple story line is, they "consume" one another during the battle, and finally, the boss angel is the last one standing in front of the boss devil. 

During the alternative eliminations, angels always step on grey, and devils always step on the bright tiles. Near the end when only two bosses are remaining in the field, with their dress dragging on the ground. The light is getting dim, but the whole stage is turning into all bright. Would be whom to stay...what do you think? The dark or the white chess piece wins? 

Virtue or evil....maybe they are all you. At the moment you come down to the checkmate,  this is a song for u and for your choice. Keep keen to.

And good luck.

FULL video:

Makeing of :

Date of release:2012-11-8
Lyrics:ayumi hamasaki
Composed by:HINATAspring, Yuta Nakano

よく考えてなくて 笑顔で言ったそのすぐあと
"See you tomorrow"
I didn't think over it a lot, smiled it away and right after that

言える君が 居てくれるって気付く
"See you tomorrow"
I notice this is because you are next to me to reply

もしもね自分が 自分の事を 疑ってしまったなら
その瞬間にほら 月も太陽も輝けないね
If I question about myself
At that moment you see, the moon and the sum will lose their shine

伸ばしたこの手は 光の向こうに
願ってる未来が あるから
We tried reach our hand beyond the light,
because there is the future we have been wishing for

聴こえてる 感じてる
泣いたままで 君のままで
そこでそうして 伝えてる
I can hear you
I can feel you
You cried just like the way you are
being in that way, it is sending a message

届くから 響くから
僕は僕のままで 君の哀しみごと抱きしめるよ
because it's reaching me, 
because it's echoing 
I will be in my way, to come embrace all of your sadness

今だってそんなに 自信はないよ
Even at this moment, I still don't have a lot confidence.
There are times I just cannot move forward

もし間違ってたり 繰り返しちゃったり 
If I'm going wrong If I'm going to repeat again 
What should I do if that happened

選ばないだけなら 不安はないね
だけど変わることも ないよね
If I don't make a decision, I won't be annoyed
But nothing would change, right?

いつだった? どうなった?
もうダメだって 全ておしまい だってなってた あの時
Since when? And what happened?
"Already have it enough",
"It is all over"
At the time becoming this

何だった? 誰だった?
そんなんでも なんとか
What was that? Who was that?
Even at a moment like that,
somehow you want to try it again and move forward

2 u, yeah
To you, yeah
信じてる 信じられてる
To believe and to be believed

4 u, yeah 
For you, yeah
空だって 飛べる気がする
ただひとり 君のためなら
I can even fly to the sky
for my only dear you

2014年9月14日 星期日

Tai O (Hong Kong local travel)

Just been to Tai O for a Sunny afternoon with few friends...
Haven't been here for about eight years....I was once having a summer visit here too.

[Wiki: Tai O (Chinese: 大澳) is a fishing town, 
partly located on an island of the same name, 
on the western side of Lantau Island in Hong Kong.]

Travelling methods to Tai O are quite limited, 
we gathered at Tung Chung MTR station, and took a Lantau Bus no.11 next to the Tung Chung Outlet...
arround HKD30, 
and half an hour bus drive.

And we arrived!!

So hot!

I came here just for the street food.....

Fish balls! 

Exaggerated size and price.
12 HKD for 2. Actually were quite big.
Curry flavored
Hot and spicy I gave it a 7.

Chilled beancurd...
I like it sweet and icy!
We went for a boat ride. 
20 HKD for about 20 minutes
(I guess? not really counting). 

Just took a browse on the surrounding water area, and from the sea we can even look far to the Macau Bridge!!

And also the 

"pink dolphin"(Sousa chinensis)!!!

I thought it was easy to take photos of them....
(by google so many of them jumping off water surface
seems bouncy and friendly)

How patient are the real photographers...
I only can take a photo of its fin
(and even shaky and blur pictures)

This one below is I got from my friend~~
(Hi..little creature....)

The end!!》

P.S. Don't eat shark fin!(irrelevant topic...orz haha)
Stop it anyway!!!!!!!
(Always think the similar things when near water.....
Photo was in Sydney aqua museum ^V^ /...)

2014年9月10日 星期三

Ayu's best 10 PVs- 9.《how beautiful you are》

《how beautiful you are》, 2012.

Youtube version(Official, 1.5 minutes):

I confess, this is a song maybe I heard over 100 times.
Ψ( ̄∀ ̄)Ψ

This song was in the album《Party Queen》, which it was in a very extraordinary style from Ayu's production. At first I was not very fond of this song, just because at the time this song released(3.21.2012), that was near my final stage of my last year in University. 


Ms. Hamasaki was goddamn sexy at the cover, like having a sarcastic statement to tabloids. One month before the release of this album, Ayu divorced with Manuel Schwarz after 1-year marriage life. It was her dark period to been through, and she expressed the loneliness underneath her duty as a top singer, desire of freedom, suppressed memory in her childhood. 

She kind of liked to create a "party" to heal the wound. Most of the songs lyrics in this disc just didn't show as dizzying joyful as the album's first look. Ayu should be intended to present her mood in this way.

(Digital CD of sole HBYA this song)

I was suffered in this dark period 2012 spring too(!!!), finishing up my academic project at the last stage, trapped up in the endless Words, Powerpoint, SPSS and other assignments...therefore I had deep connection with this album. 

Also as I switched into a monotonic mode when I was focusing on my work. I "looped"(a programming term....wrapped up in) this album for about a month until I called it a wrap for my final year project[over 20 thousands words of wisdom I guessed, but I don't remember a thing now]. Basically I just got no time to change a disc in the player.

The lyrics in this song are thoughts-evolving. This is a ballad song suitable for night, when you want to express your gratitude to your beloved ones, and say good night to the night. The PV also set up an international horizons to bless all the lovers in the world, love is shared in all forms for human, in the visual you can see homosexual couples, or physically challenged people. They faced the strong wind and share their way to go forward. 

Wish you are always surrounded by love and reasons to smile:) 

《how beautiful you are》+trans

Lyrics:Ayumi Hamasaki
Composed by:Timothy Wellard

(I thank you again for today
Your smile saved me
I thank you again for today
for being here for me)

Because you cried for me like for yourself
I cried again for seeing this
May my thoughts reach you by our holding hand 
like forever will do)

You don't know
You don't know
How beautiful you are
(than you think)

You don't know
You don't know
How beautiful you are
(Because you are always much more beautiful)

(I thank you again for today
Your tears taught me
I thank you again for today
For overcoming [[the adversity]] with me)

(Just because you are moving forward like this
I am encouraged by looking at this
Please let the gentle and tender wind 
keep surrounding us as I wish)

You don't know
You don't know
How beautiful you are
(than you think)

You don't know
You don't know
How beautiful you are
(you are getting tender and strong)

You don't know
You don't know
How beautiful you are

You don't know
You don't know
How beautiful you are

(Because you are always much more beautiful)

[[Making of HBYA]]