《Song 4 u》,
version(Official, 1.5 minutes):
Finally the last song out of the my best 10 Ayu's PVs:)
(personally reviewed at the moment after she debuted for 15 years ), I voted "Song 4 u" as a curtain call for this collection in my blog.
ヾ( ̄∇ ̄)
This song was one picked up from her album 《LOVE again》,
which concluded different kinds of emotion to celebrate her 15 years anniversary. The whole album, introduced by Ayu "was a letter expressing gratitude to her beloved ones".
Various meaningful songs were found in this disc too, but not every one has a PV accompanied, so I picked a representative one, a special positive art piece. By the way, it was also the theme song for the Playstation3 adventure game "テイルズオブエクシリア 2"(Tales of Xillia 2), feel yourself burnt with excitement?
。.(。´・ω・。)ノ゛ .♡。:
The main theme of the song PV is to be keen on your choice, even the bright and the dark side of you are facing off each other. In the PV it summarizes as angels vs devils on the chessboard. The simple story line is, they "consume" one another during the battle, and finally, the boss angel is the last one standing in front of the boss devil.
During the alternative eliminations, angels always step on grey, and devils always step on the bright tiles. Near the end when only two bosses are remaining in the field, with their dress dragging on the ground. The light is getting dim, but the whole stage is turning into all bright. Would be whom to stay...what do you think? The dark or the white chess piece wins?
Virtue or evil....maybe they are all you. At the moment you come down to the checkmate, this is a song for u and for your choice. Keep keen to.
And good luck.
FULL video:
Makeing of :
Date of release:2012-11-8
Lyrics:ayumi hamasaki
Composed by:HINATAspring, Yuta Nakano
よく考えてなくて 笑顔で言ったそのすぐあと
"See you tomorrow"
I didn't think over it a lot, smiled it away and right after that
言える君が 居てくれるって気付く
"See you tomorrow"
I notice this is because you are next to me to reply
もしもね自分が 自分の事を 疑ってしまったなら
その瞬間にほら 月も太陽も輝けないね
If I question about myself
At that moment you see, the moon and the sum will lose their shine
伸ばしたこの手は 光の向こうに
願ってる未来が あるから
We tried reach our hand beyond the light,
because there is the future we have been wishing for
聴こえてる 感じてる
泣いたままで 君のままで
そこでそうして 伝えてる
I can hear you
I can feel you
You cried just like the way you are
being in that way, it is sending a message
届くから 響くから
僕は僕のままで 君の哀しみごと抱きしめるよ
because it's reaching me,
because it's echoing
I will be in my way, to come embrace all of your sadness
今だってそんなに 自信はないよ
Even at this moment, I still don't have a lot confidence.
There are times I just cannot move forward
もし間違ってたり 繰り返しちゃったり
If I'm going wrong If I'm going to repeat again
What should I do if that happened
選ばないだけなら 不安はないね
だけど変わることも ないよね
If I don't make a decision, I won't be annoyed
But nothing would change, right?
いつだった? どうなった?
もうダメだって 全ておしまい だってなってた あの時
Since when? And what happened?
"Already have it enough",
"It is all over"
At the time becoming this
何だった? 誰だった?
そんなんでも なんとか
What was that? Who was that?
Even at a moment like that,
somehow you want to try it again and move forward
2 u, yeah
To you, yeah
信じてる 信じられてる
To believe and to be believed
4 u, yeah
For you, yeah
空だって 飛べる気がする
ただひとり 君のためなら
I can even fly to the sky
for my only dear you